4th Edition of the International Forum on Francophone
Entrepreneurship and African SMEs in Ghana

4th Edition of the International Forum on Francophone
Entrepreneurship and African SMEs in Ghana

4th Edition of the International Forum on Francophone
Entrepreneurship and African SMEs in Ghana

Promoting the Exportation and Implantation of African
SMEs across the continent and the world.

Promoting French in Anglophone countries and also
promoting English in Francophone countries
within Africa for fostering and enhancing effective
communication during intra trade activities.

To promote and value Regional
Tourism within the African continent

Sensitize the Young African Generation

Promoting Entrepreneurship within the Young African
generation as wealth creating tool necessary
for the continent's development.

Making Entrepreneurial integration
a tool to create wealth in Africa

Welcome Phanerosis
Global Platform

Phanerosis Global Platform is a Trade Facilitation Civil Society Organisation who is dedicated to the creation and building of  business synergies between French-speaking and English-speaking African private sector actors for an equitable,  sustainable and durable economic growth on the continent.

Phanerosis Global Platform uses the AfCFTA Agreement as a the key to enhance her objective of creating business synergies and by fostering implementation  the Agreement through private sector engagement advocacy.

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